Painting (In Oven)

1. Degreasing Apply Solvent Cleaner (Degreaser) to remove any stain like oil, grease etc from the aircraft surface

2. Air Spraying To apply spray air using air compressor to eliminate any dusts on the
outer surface of the aircraft

3. Cleaning Apply special cloth namely Tag Rags to further remove any dust from the surface

4. Painting Start painting Base Color minimum two-layer painting using colors specified by clients. Leave the aircraft in the oven untouchable for minimum 24 hours

5. Sticker Start to stick any Stickers or Lining according the design by clients neither by
Technical Team nor Other Sub-Contractor

6. Painting Paint to customer design specification while sticker on

7. Check Final touch-up on painting works for any missing lines or likewise

8. Coat Apply special coating called Clear Coat to protect the color as well as the certain stickers. This process is also to shine the painted color and leave for minimum 24 hours